May 30, 2022


 27th MAY 2022

  Making my first observation of the year at the end of May was not what I planned but at least I get up and running ( ....limping?) with one of the finest galaxies in the sky.


M51 The famous Whirlpool galaxy and its companion NGC 5195 ( passing behind M51 )  Even on my 20 x 12" exposure plenty of structure is visible in the spiral arms. 31 million light years away in Canes Venatici .  GT 147


 Although already observed on the Grand Tour I could not resist another look at Globular Cluster M3.


 30th October 2021

  Despite being considered a summer constellation Cygnus is still high enough for viewing deep into Autumn.

NGC 7027  I observed this magnitude 8 Planetary Nebula visually with the 8" SCT.   At  x222 its double lobed structure is apparent aligned  North - South with the N component appearing slightly larger. Appears somewhat blue/grey in colour. No internal structure can be made out.

NGC 7026  Small magnitude 11 Planetary Nebula about 20" across. Also has a double lobed structure. No colour apparent.

NGC 7008    Magnitude 11 annular Planetary observed with Infinity camera.  Elongated N - S and with some structure apparent. Bluish colour with green patch to South. Two stars within are probably field stars.

NGC 6960  Western part of Veil Supernova remnant adjacent to52 Cygni. I have seen this well visually in the past but tonight it is only just visible on the image. 

IC 5146
IC 5146  Cocoon Nebule.  Large, faint red nebulosity crossed by darker lanes. Very rich field.  12' x 15'.

NGC6866  Rich Open Cluster discovered by Caroline Herschel

  Heading North over the border into Cepheus to have a look at.....
NGC 7129  Small red nebula with dark lanes.Several bright field stars obscure the view.

4th November 2022

    Two Open Clusters in Cepheus were observed visually and sketched with the 8" SCT  x77.

NGC 6823  Four of the brightest stars in this cluster  including a double lie at the center. Many fainter stars are seen with averted vision. Scattered outer stars blend into the field stars.

NGC 6940  Rich magnitude 6 group surround magnitude 7 orange variable star FG Vulpecula.  Cluster stars are around magnitude 10 to 11 mainly to SW of FG Vul.

  This brings The Grand Tour total to 146.